complexType GridLengthType
diagram index_p1317.png
type restriction of gml:MeasureType
base gml:MeasureType
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  annotation
Value of a length (or distance) quantity in a grid, where the grid spacing does not have any associated physical units, or does not have a constant physical spacing. This grid length will often be used in a digital image grid, where the base units are likely to be pixel spacings. Uses the MeasureType with the restriction that the unit of measure referenced by uom must be suitable for length along the axes of a grid, such as pixel spacings or grid spacings.
source <xs:complexType name="GridLengthType">
<xs:documentation>Value of a length (or distance) quantity in a grid, where the grid spacing does not have any associated physical units, or does not have a constant physical spacing. This grid length will often be used in a digital image grid, where the base units are likely to be pixel spacings. Uses the MeasureType with the restriction that the unit of measure referenced by uom must be suitable for length along the axes of a grid, such as pixel spacings or grid spacings.</xs:documentation>
<xs:restriction base="gml:MeasureType"/>

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