element catalogSymbol
diagram index_p1621.png
namespace http://www.opengis.net/gml
type gml:CodeType
content complex
used by
complexType UnitDefinitionType
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  annotation
For global understanding of a unit of measure, it is often possible to reference an item in a catalog of units, using a symbol in that catalog. The "codeSpace" attribute in "CodeType" identifies a namespace for the catalog symbol value, and might reference the catalog. The "string" value in "CodeType" contains the value of a symbol that is unique within this catalog namespace. This symbol often appears explicitly in the catalog, but it could be a combination of symbols using a specified algebra of units. For example, the symbol "cm" might indicate that it is the "m" symbol combined with the "c" prefix.
source <xs:element name="catalogSymbol" type="gml:CodeType">
<xs:documentation>For global understanding of a unit of measure, it is often possible to reference an item in a catalog of units, using a symbol in that catalog. The "codeSpace" attribute in "CodeType" identifies a namespace for the catalog symbol value, and might reference the catalog. The "string" value in "CodeType" contains the value of a symbol that is unique within this catalog namespace. This symbol often appears explicitly in the catalog, but it could be a combination of symbols using a specified algebra of units. For example, the symbol "cm" might indicate that it is the "m" symbol combined with the "c" prefix.</xs:documentation>

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