group facets
diagram index_p893.png
children xs:minExclusive xs:minInclusive xs:maxExclusive xs:maxInclusive xs:totalDigits xs:fractionDigits xs:length xs:minLength xs:maxLength xs:enumeration xs:whiteSpace xs:pattern
used by
group simpleRestrictionModel

       We should use a substitution group for facets, but
       that's ruled out because it would allow users to
       add their own, which we're not ready for yet.
source <xs:group name="facets">
       We should use a substitution group for facets, but
       that's ruled out because it would allow users to
       add their own, which we're not ready for yet.
<xs:element ref="xs:minExclusive"/>
<xs:element ref="xs:minInclusive"/>
<xs:element ref="xs:maxExclusive"/>
<xs:element ref="xs:maxInclusive"/>
<xs:element ref="xs:totalDigits"/>
<xs:element ref="xs:fractionDigits"/>
<xs:element ref="xs:length"/>
<xs:element ref="xs:minLength"/>
<xs:element ref="xs:maxLength"/>
<xs:element ref="xs:enumeration"/>
<xs:element ref="xs:whiteSpace"/>
<xs:element ref="xs:pattern"/>

XML Schema documentation generated by
XMLSpy Schema Editor