element realizationEpoch
diagram index_p1177.png
namespace http://www.opengis.net/gml
type xs:date
content simple
used by
complexType AbstractDatumType
The time after which this datum definition is valid. This time may be precise (e.g. 1997.0 for IRTF97) or merely a year (e.g. 1983 for NAD83). In the latter case, the epoch usually refers to the year in which a major recalculation of the geodetic control network, underlying the datum, was executed or initiated. An old datum can remain valid after a new datum is defined. Alternatively, a datum may be superseded by a later datum, in which case the realization epoch for the new datum defines the upper limit for the validity of the superseded datum.
source <xs:element name="realizationEpoch" type="date">
<xs:documentation>The time after which this datum definition is valid. This time may be precise (e.g. 1997.0 for IRTF97) or merely a year (e.g. 1983 for NAD83). In the latter case, the epoch usually refers to the year in which a major recalculation of the geodetic control network, underlying the datum, was executed or initiated. An old datum can remain valid after a new datum is defined. Alternatively, a datum may be superseded by a later datum, in which case the realization epoch for the new datum defines the upper limit for the validity of the superseded datum. </xs:documentation>

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