complexType ParameterValueGroupType
diagram index_p1569.png
type extension of gml:AbstractGeneralParameterValueType
base gml:AbstractGeneralParameterValueType
children gml:includesValue gml:valuesOfGroup
used by
element parameterValueGroup
A group of related parameter values. The same group can be repeated more than once in a Conversion, Transformation, or higher level parameterValueGroup, if those instances contain different values of one or more parameterValues which suitably distinquish among those groups. This concrete complexType can be used for operation methods without using an Application Schema that defines operation-method-specialized element names and contents, especially for methods with only one instance. This complexType can be used, extended, or restricted for well-known operation methods, especially for methods with many instances.
source <xs:complexType name="ParameterValueGroupType">
<xs:documentation>A group of related parameter values. The same group can be repeated more than once in a Conversion, Transformation, or higher level parameterValueGroup, if those instances contain different values of one or more parameterValues which suitably distinquish among those groups. This concrete complexType can be used for operation methods without using an Application Schema that defines operation-method-specialized element names and contents, especially for methods with only one instance. This complexType can be used, extended, or restricted for well-known operation methods, especially for methods with many instances. </xs:documentation>
<xs:extension base="gml:AbstractGeneralParameterValueType">
<xs:element ref="gml:includesValue" minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:documentation>Unordered set of composition associations to the parameter values and groups of values included in this group. </xs:documentation>
<xs:element ref="gml:valuesOfGroup"/>

XML Schema documentation generated by
XMLSpy Schema Editor