element Quantity
diagram index_p1285.png
namespace http://www.opengis.net/gml
type gml:MeasureType
content complex
used by
complexType QuantityPropertyType
group ScalarValue
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  annotation
A numeric value with a scale.  The content of the element is an amount using the XML Schema type double which permits decimal or scientific notation.  An XML attribute uom (unit of measure) is required, whose value is a URI which identifies the definition of the scale or units by which the numeric value must be multiplied.
source <xs:element name="Quantity" type="gml:MeasureType">
<xs:documentation>A numeric value with a scale.  The content of the element is an amount using the XML Schema type double which permits decimal or scientific notation.  An XML attribute uom (unit of measure) is required, whose value is a URI which identifies the definition of the scale or units by which the numeric value must be multiplied.</xs:documentation>

XML Schema documentation generated by
XMLSpy Schema Editor http://www.altova.com/xmlspy