element greenwichLongitude
diagram index_p1437.png
namespace http://www.opengis.net/gml
type gml:AngleChoiceType
content complex
children gml:angle gml:dmsAngle
used by
complexType PrimeMeridianType
Longitude of the prime meridian measured from the Greenwich meridian, positive eastward. The greenwichLongitude most common value is zero, and that value shall be used when the meridianName value is Greenwich.
source <xs:element name="greenwichLongitude" type="gml:AngleChoiceType">
<xs:documentation>Longitude of the prime meridian measured from the Greenwich meridian, positive eastward. The greenwichLongitude most common value is zero, and that value shall be used when the meridianName value is Greenwich. </xs:documentation>

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