complexType IndexMapType
diagram index_p940.png
type extension of gml:GridFunctionType
base gml:GridFunctionType
children gml:sequenceRule gml:startPoint gml:lookUpTable
used by
element IndexMap
Exends GridFunctionType with a lookUpTable.  This contains a list of indexes of members within the rangeSet corresponding with the members of the domainSet.  The domainSet is traversed in list order if it is enumerated explicitly, or in the order specified by a SequenceRule if the domain is an implicit set.    The length of the lookUpTable corresponds with the length of the subset of the domainSet for which the coverage is defined.
source <xs:complexType name="IndexMapType">
<xs:documentation>Exends GridFunctionType with a lookUpTable.  This contains a list of indexes of members within the rangeSet corresponding with the members of the domainSet.  The domainSet is traversed in list order if it is enumerated explicitly, or in the order specified by a SequenceRule if the domain is an implicit set.    The length of the lookUpTable corresponds with the length of the subset of the domainSet for which the coverage is defined.</xs:documentation>
<xs:extension base="gml:GridFunctionType">
<xs:element name="lookUpTable" type="gml:integerList"/>

element IndexMapType/lookUpTable
diagram index_p941.png
type gml:integerList
isRef 0
content simple
source <xs:element name="lookUpTable" type="gml:integerList"/>

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