element selector
diagram index_p1147.png
namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
type extension of xs:annotated
content complex
id selector
children xs:annotation
used by
complexType keybase
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  annotation
xpathderived by: xs:tokenrequired      
source <xs:element name="selector" id="selector">
<xs:documentation source="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#element-selector"/>
<xs:extension base="xs:annotated">
<xs:attribute name="xpath" use="required">
<xs:documentation>A subset of XPath expressions for use
in selectors
<xs:documentation>A utility type, not for public
<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
<xs:documentation>The following pattern is intended to allow XPath
                           expressions per the following EBNF:
          Selector    ::=    Path ( '|' Path )* 
          Path    ::=    ('.//')? Step ( '/' Step )* 
          Step    ::=    '.' | NameTest 
          NameTest    ::=    QName | '*' | NCName ':' '*' 
                           child:: is also allowed
<xs:pattern value="(\.//)?(((child::)?((\i\c*:)?(\i\c*|\*)))|\.)(/(((child::)?((\i\c*:)?(\i\c*|\*)))|\.))*(\|(\.//)?(((child::)?((\i\c*:)?(\i\c*|\*)))|\.)(/(((child::)?((\i\c*:)?(\i\c*|\*)))|\.))*)*"/>

attribute selector/@xpath
type restriction of xs:token
isRef 0
use required
Kind Value annotation 
pattern (\.//)?(((child::)?((\i\c*:)?(\i\c*|\*)))|\.)(/(((child::)?((\i\c*:)?(\i\c*|\*)))|\.))*(\|(\.//)?(((child::)?((\i\c*:)?(\i\c*|\*)))|\.)(/(((child::)?((\i\c*:)?(\i\c*|\*)))|\.))*)* 
source <xs:attribute name="xpath" use="required">
<xs:documentation>A subset of XPath expressions for use
in selectors
<xs:documentation>A utility type, not for public
<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
<xs:documentation>The following pattern is intended to allow XPath
                           expressions per the following EBNF:
          Selector    ::=    Path ( '|' Path )* 
          Path    ::=    ('.//')? Step ( '/' Step )* 
          Step    ::=    '.' | NameTest 
          NameTest    ::=    QName | '*' | NCName ':' '*' 
                           child:: is also allowed
<xs:pattern value="(\.//)?(((child::)?((\i\c*:)?(\i\c*|\*)))|\.)(/(((child::)?((\i\c*:)?(\i\c*|\*)))|\.))*(\|(\.//)?(((child::)?((\i\c*:)?(\i\c*|\*)))|\.)(/(((child::)?((\i\c*:)?(\i\c*|\*)))|\.))*)*"/>

XML Schema documentation generated by
XMLSpy Schema Editor http://www.altova.com/xmlspy